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10 Awesome Superfoods

10 Awesome Superfoods: 

    1. Salmon

Salmon holds a good source of protein and it's best known for omega 3 healthy fats. 

    2. Turkey
Traditional Roast Turkey Recipe | Alton Brown | Food Network
Image by Food Network via 

Turkey is a great superfood because it holds a strong amount of protein with low fat. There are also many amino acids and minerals in this meat. 

    3. Quinoa
How to Cook Fluffy Quinoa Recipe - Love and Lemons
Image by Love and Lemons via 

Quinoa is a powerful superfood. It holds all 9 essential amino acids that must be obtained in a diet, among fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. It may also help balance blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

    4. Broccoli
How To Cook Broccoli, 5 Ways | Kitchn
Image by The Kitchn via 

Broccoli is a great vegetable because it's high in fiber and rich in minerals. The fiber aids in digestion, maintains low blood sugar, and prevents overeating. 

    5. Sweet potatoes
Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Fennel - Delicious Living
Image by Delicious Living via 

Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin C and B6 which are important for brain and nervous system health. They're also a good source of magnesium and potassium for improving heart health. 

    6. Ginger
10 Benefits Of Ginger - Health Benefits Of Ginger
Image by Women's Health via 

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, fights germs, and relieves nausea. Ginger is a great superfood because even if you're not a fan of the taste, it can be hidden within your dishes. 

    7. Kale
10 Health Benefits of Kale
Image by Healthline via 

Kale is best known for its extremely high contents of many nutrients. It also lowers cholesterol, has cancer-fighting minerals, and has high levels of antioxidants.

    8. Beans
9 health benefits of beans
Image by Medical News Today via 

Beans are an awesome superfood for nearly everyone with so many choices. Beans are one of the top vegan choices of protein. They also hold many minerals, vitamins, improve gut health, and more! 

    9. Olive oil
Olive oil: Health benefits, nutritional information
Image by Medical News Today via 

Olive oil is considered a superfood on this list because it fits into many different meals. It's a good source of healthy fats that can easily be incorporated into your diet. 

    10. Dark chocolate 
9 Benefits of Dark Chocolate and Nutrition, Recipes, Side Effects ...
Image by Dr.Axe via 

Dark chocolate has been shown to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, protect the skin, and is high in antioxidants. Bonus: it tastes amazing! 

Comment below your favourite superfood on this list :) 


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