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The Benefits of Green Tea

The Benefits of Green Tea: 
Green tea is a great choice for tea and an even better replacement for coffee. I like to have a cup in the morning with a cup of water and sometimes at night before bed to relax. Here are the benefits of this awesome drink: 

    ~ Improves brain function
Green tea is a far greater option than coffee in the morning. It will be sure to boost your mind and help waken you with similar effects as coffee. Bonus: it's naturally very sweet and won't need added sugars! 

    ~ Good oral health
Green tea has been proven to reduce oral bacteria, meaning it may protect you from cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. 

    ~ Antioxidants
Green tea holds antioxidants called catechins that strengthen cells in the body and prevent damage. 

    ~ Manages cholesterol
The antioxidants in green tea have also been shown to balance and lower cholesterol levels in the body. 

    ~ Regulates blood sugar levels (cardiovascular) 
Some studies show that green tea can lower insulin and glucose levels, allowing blood sugar to lower. This drink can be beneficial for those who are diabetic for this reason in particular. 

    ~ Improves skin
Another antioxidant in green tea called EGCG has been shown to fight DNA damage and UV rays. This can play a part in protecting the skin from aging. 

    ~ Fights allergies
The wonderful antioxidant, EGCG, was also tested on people with allergies. It has been shown to prevent immune responses to allergens such as pollen, pets, and dust. 

    ~ Aids in weight loss
Certain studies show that green tea may help in weight loss. There are bioactive substances inside that help burn more calories during the day. But, weight loss cannot strictly depend on drinking green tea. Adding it to a healthy diet and workout regimen though, would not be a mistake. 

    ~ Immune health 
Once again, the antioxidants in green tea prove to help strengthen the immune system. Drinking green tea may allow you to fight off particular flu viruses and illnesses. 

    ~ Antiinflammatory 
The antioxidants in tea also help reduce inflammation in the body. Catechin and EGCG are the most powerful in green tea. 

    ~ Workout recovery 
Surprisingly, this drink may also help repair the body faster after working out! The reduction of inflammation in the body can speed up the process and allow for faster repairing. 

Comment down below if you enjoy drinking green tea! 


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