The Top 10 Benefits of Yoga:
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Yoga is an activity that has brought many benefits to my life. I started my yoga journey in school and it has truly flourished during quarantine. It was a way for me to be active, calm down, and let out my emotions all in one. Here are the benefits that I found in practicing yoga:
1. Many can come to the mat
I have heard from many friends and family members that they don't believe yoga would be for them or their body type. I 100% disagree. I find that yoga has room for nearly anyone because of modifications and an inclusive environment. Experienced members of the yoga community enjoy helping others and yoga isn't a judgemental activity. Many yoga classes are for beginners or offer lighter modifications, making the exercise more inclusive.
2. Improved respiration
Yoga is a form of exercise that does focus on particular breathing strategies. You may find that practicing regularly will expand your breathing capacity and you won't find yourself as winded in any physical activity.
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3. More energy
The practice of yoga will bring more energy to you after just one session. Your happy hormones will love the calming exercise and boost you right up!
4. Increased flexibility
Many believe that you should be flexible going into yoga, but there is always room for improvement. Increased flexibility prevents injury in other exercise and it feels great to see yourself gain more and more as you practice.
5. Injury protection
Yoga is a form of exercise that is very kind on the joints, cartilage, and spine. With the right form or modifications, yoga is beneficial to both preventing injury and allowing exercise for the already injured.
6. Builds strength and tones
Even the most simple of postures in yoga will strengthen your muscles and bones while you hold them. I personally have gained more strength in yoga than any sports I've played. This is because I was able to be more consistent and didn't feel as tired when exercising.
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7. Cardiovascular and circulatory health
Yoga increases the blood flow in your body, both strengthening your heart and the rest of your circulatory system.
8. Drains lymphatic system and boosts immunity
Yoga drains your lymphatic system which boosts your immune system by fighting infections, cancerous cells, and disposing of waste in your cells at a faster rate.
9. Better bone health
Holding weight-bearing postures in yoga strengthens your bones and prevents osteoporosis, a bone weakening illness. Yoga is recommended for all ages, but in older ages it's extremely beneficial for this reason.
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10. A happier and healthier life
Doing yoga releases a happy hormone called serotonin. This will give you an after exercise rush of happiness and energy. Regular practicers of yoga also tend to eat healthier, this is because they have a different state of mind after exercise that further allows them to make better decisions.
Those are the 10 reasons why I love yoga! Comment below if you enjoy yoga too :)
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