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Showing posts from July, 2020

10 Awesome Superfoods

10 Awesome Superfoods:      1. Salmon Salmon holds a good source of protein and it's best known for omega 3 healthy fats.       2. Turkey Image by Food Network via  Turkey is a great superfood because it holds a strong amount of protein with low fat. There are also many amino acids and minerals in this meat.      3. Quinoa Image by Love and Lemons via  Quinoa is a powerful superfood. It holds all 9 essential amino acids that must be obtained in a diet, among fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. It may also help balance blood sugar and cholesterol levels.      4. Broccoli Image by The Kitchn via  Broccoli is a great vegetable because it's high in fiber and rich in minerals. The fiber aids in digestion, maintains low blood sugar, and prevents overeating.      5. Sweet potatoes Image by Delicious Living via  Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin C and B6 which are important for brain and nervous system health. They're also a good source of magnesium and potassium for improving hear

Happy Chemicals 101

Happy Chemicals 101:  After the last post about good vibes and happy music, I decided to research more about the happy chemicals in the body. The 4 main chemicals; dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphin, are all very important for peaceful mental health. Here's how you can access more happy chemicals; Dopamine- the reward chemical Image by The Guardian via  Complete a task Do self-care activities (face mask, nails, bath) Eat food Celebrate tiny wins, even eating your favourite meal Oxytocin- the love hormone Play with a dog or pet Spend time with a baby Hold hands Image by Love Dignity via  Hug family or friends Give compliments to others  Serotonin- the mood stabilizer  Meditation or yoga Running Sunlight Walking in nature Swimming Image by Healthline via  Cycling Endorphin- the pain killer Laughter Essential oils Comedy movies Dark chocolate Image by Everyday Health via  Exercise  Comment below which one of these strategies is your favourite! :) 

Good Vibes Music Playlist

Good Vibes Music Playlist!  This is a playlist that I have created with some of my favourite songs! It may not be for everyone but I find it relaxing and it brings happy vibes. Disclaimer: there may be a few curse words in these songs. All are available on YouTube. So enjoy!  Rain on Me- Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande Image by Youtube via  Break My Heart- Dua Lipa Image by Wikipedia via  Stuck With You- Ariana Grande. Justin Bieber Image by Youtube via  Everything I Wanted- Billie Eilish Image by Elicit Magazine via  Feel Something- Bea Miller Image by KODD Magazine via  The One That Got Away- Brielle Von Hugel Image by YouTube via  You Broke Me First- Tate McRae Image by YouTube via  One Last Time (sad version)- Ariana Grande Image by YouTube via  Hurts So Good- Astrid S.  Image by YouTube via  Ghostin (sad version)- Ariana Grande Image by YouTube via  Infinity- Jaymes Young Image by Genius via  Chicago Freestyle- Drake Image by YouTube via  That Way- Lil Uzi Image by YouTube via  24- Money

The Top 10 Benefits of Yoga

The Top 10 Benefits of Yoga:  Image by DoYouYoga via Yoga is an activity that has brought many benefits to my life. I started my yoga journey in school and it has truly flourished during quarantine. It was a way for me to be active, calm down, and let out my emotions all in one. Here are the benefits that I found in practicing yoga:      1. Many can come to the mat I have heard from many friends and family members that they don't believe yoga would be for them or their body type. I 100% disagree. I find that yoga has room for nearly anyone because of modifications and an inclusive environment. Experienced members of the yoga community enjoy helping others and yoga isn't a judgemental activity. Many yoga classes are for beginners or offer lighter modifications, making the exercise more inclusive.      2. Improved respiration Yoga is a form of exercise that does focus on particular breathing strategies.

5 Reasons to Start a Garden!

5 Reasons to Start a Garden!  Gardening is an activity that I've done for years with my family. In the early summer, we plant our seeds and watch as the plants grow so we can pick them in the fall. Here are 5 health benefits to growing your own garden:      1. Improves Health Growing your own garden ensures you know exactly what you're eating. Your vegetables will have the highest vitamin content and there won't be any harmful chemicals involved.      2. Saves Money Having a garden takes some maintenance, but overall saves money for you. The vegetables in your garden cost a portion of what they are in the grocery store, and they are better quality!      3. Outdoor Exercise Gardening can actually burn up to 400 calories per hour when pulling weeds, digging, and planting. It's a good form of exercise outside.      4. Natural Stress Reliever  Having your own garden is a natural stress reliever when you get to be outside in the fresh air and sunlight. Gardening is rejuvenat

The 6 Best Forms of Exercise

The 6 Best Forms of Exercise:      1. Walking Walking is a great form of exercise that requires no equipment, burns calories, and can have many different environments. Walking is great for cardiovascular health and even reduce the risks of heart failure. Brisk and higher intensity walks can burn 500 calories for every hour. Hiking is one of my favourite activities on a nice day!      2. Interval Training Interval training is an activity that I have been recently incorporating more often into my workouts. It involves high-intensity training for 1-2 minutes and then lower intensity for 2-10 minutes. Repeating this is great for cardiovascular health, boosts fitness, and is great for weight loss. Interval training is also a great form of aerobic exercise, which can help strengthen your body while burning calories quickly. I personally warm up for 5 minutes, sprint for a minute, walk for 2, and repeat this 10 times. You'll definitely be sweating!  Image by Mayo Clinic via  https://www.m