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Showing posts from August, 2020

An Apple A Day

An Apple A Day:    Image by Harvard Health via An apple a day may not fully keep away the doctor, but they do have many health benefits. The following are reasons why you should eat apples often:  Nutritious  Apples are a good source of fiber and nutrients, such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and C.  Good for weight Apples are beneficial for weight management because they're low in calories, yet filling.  Heart health Apples contain soluble fiber that helps lower blood cholesterol. This has been linked to better heart health and a lower risk of heart disease.  Lower risk of diabetes Eating apples can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 28%. The tissues in apples are believed to protect beta cells, which produce insulin in the body.  Good bacteria Apples contain good bacteria, called pectin, a type of fiber. This fiber acts as a prebiotic that feeds into

5 Ways to Increase Your Energy

  5 Ways to Increase Your Energy:   Image by Body+Soul via Looking for ways to increase your energy? Tired of drinking coffee just to stay awake? Here are 5 great tips to increase your energy:      1. Cold shower  Image by Examined Existence via A cold shower sends impulses to the brain that create clarity, alertness, and provide energy. Even if you take a warm shower, turn the water cold for about 30 seconds just before you hop out. Endorphins will be sent to the brain which leads to feelings of optimism. Consider exercising before your cold shower, to make it less intense.      2. Exercise Image by The New York Times via Many actually think that exercise would tire you out, except it's the exact opposite. Even light exercise, such as walking

25 Healthy Snack Ideas

  25 Healthy Snack Ideas:  Image by Once Upon a Chef via It can be difficult to find healthy snacks that you enjoy more than unhealthy options. Try out these 25 delicious snack ideas:      1.  Apple slice nachos Image by Trial and Error via Try putting some peanut butter, nuts, or even some caramel on apple slices for a healthier snack.      2.  Dried cranberries and almond slices Dried cranberries are a sweet alternative and taste great mixed with almond slices.     3.  Cheese Try eating pieces of low-fat cheese for a healthier snack.      4.  Hummus Eat hummus with some raw cut vegetables, such as carrots or cucumbers.      5.  Frozen fruits Freeze grapes for a sweet, cooling treat in the summer.      6.  Popcorn or chips alternatives (apple chips) Image by SkinnyPop via Try finding alternatives for your favourite salty

Healthy Banana Bread Recipe

  Healthy Banana Bread Recipe:  If you're a person that loves banana bread and wants to find a healthier alternative, this is the recipe! Super fast, healthier, and tastes great! Here's the recipe:  Serves 1 loaf Ingredients:  2 cups mashed, very ripe bananas (about 4 large or 6 small)  2 large eggs + 1 egg white 6 tbsp. neutral oil (vegetable, sunflower, canola)  6 tbsp. pure maple syrup (I use homemade)  1 tbsp. pure vanilla extract  2 tsp. baking soda 2 tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. ground cinnamon  1 tsp. allspice  1/2 tsp. salt 3 cups rolled oats, extra for topping Directions:  Preheat oven to 375F. Grease 9 by 5-inch loaf pan.  Mash the bananas and measure out 2 cups.  In a large blender, blend the bananas, eggs and white, oil, maple syrup, vanilla, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt until combined.  Add the oats to the blender and blend until a smooth dough forms. If you own a small blender, do a cup at a time.  Pour the batter into your loaf pan. Sprinkle oats o

The 10 Best Video Workouts on YouTube

 The 10 Best Video Workouts on YouTube:  Image by Planet Fitness via Interested in working out from home, but don't know where to start? Here's a list of my top 10 YouTube videos to workout from home:      1. 30 Minute No-Equipment Cardio Kickboxing Workout- POPSUGAR Fitness This workout will definitely have you sweating! If you feel like trying something new, try out kickboxing.      2. 20 min Full Body STRETCH/YOGA for STRESS & ANXIETY Relief- MadFit  I love this class to get a nice stretch on the days I don't feel up to a hardcore workout.      3. 30-Minute Restorative Yoga and Meditation- POPSUGAR Fitness This class is great for stretching out already sore muscles.      4. 45 Minute Power Yoga Class with Ally Maz | Lululemon- lululemon   Lululemon does a really great job of making you feel strong and giving you a great workout in this video.      5. Get Abs in 2 WEEKS | Abs W

Blueberry Cinnamon Muffins Recipe

Blueberry Cinnamon Muffins Recipe:  Try these delicious muffins for a healthier alternative dessert! The insides are nice and soft, with a crunchy muffin top. Here's the recipe:  Serves about 8 muffins Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup white sugar  1/2 tsp. salt 2 tsp. baking powder 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1 egg 1/3 cup milk 1 cup blueberries (frozen or fresh)  1/2 cup white sugar 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup butter cubed 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon  Directions:   Preheat oven to 400F, grease muffin tins or place muffin liners in.  Combine 1 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 cup sugar, salt, and baking powder. Place vegetable oil into a 1 cup measuring cup; add the egg and enough milk to reach the 1 cup line. Mix this into the flour mixture.  Fold in blueberries. If using frozen berries, rinse in a strainer until the water runs clear. This will prevent your muffins from turning purple.  Fill muffin cups leaving a little bit of room for the crumble.  To make crumble: Mix 1/2 cup sugar,

Healthy Treats For Your Dog

Healthy Treats For Your Dog:  Finding natural and healthy dog treats for your furry friend can be difficult. It can be hard to figure out the ingredient list on the back of the packages and know what's right for your dog. This recipe uses only 4 simple ingredients and your puppy will love them! Here's the recipe:  Serves 72 treats (6 dozen), you may want to split this recipe.  Ingredients:  3 cups canned pumpkin 1 cup peanut butter 6 eggs 5-6 cups whole wheat or all-purpose flour      Directions:  Add the pumpkin, peanut butter, and eggs into a large bowl. Mix together until combined.  Then mix in the flour. If you wish to roll out the dough and use cookie cutters for your treats, add 6 cups. If you'd like to make them into regular cookies, only add 5 cups.  For rolling out the cookies, lay down some flour on a surface, roll out dough to 1/4 inch and cut out shapes.  For simple cookies, ball up the dough and place on a cookie sheet. I suggest using a fork with flour to pres

10 Science-Based Benefits of Having a Dog

10 Science-Based Benefits of Having a Dog  Being with dogs not only improves your mood, but it actually benefits your health! Here are 10 health benefits of owning a furry friend:       1. Good heart health Studies show that having a dog companion can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This leads to overall cardiovascular health and fewer heart attacks. What's even crazier is that dog owners actually have a stronger survival rate after a heart attack.      2.  Keep you active and fit Dogs need to be exercised quite frequently. If you go walking or hiking with your dog almost daily, it will be sure to keep you in shape. I know my dog, Jenny, barks almost daily when she walks to go for a walk. They will hold you accountable!      3.  Help manage weight This exercise may also help manage your weight, depending on your current exercise regimens.      4.  Can improve social life Owning a dog may improve your social life. You might meet other dog owners on walks or a person tha

Healthy Lunchtime Bagel Recipe

Healthy Lunchtime Bagel Recipe  Ingredients:  Healthy bagel options (sesame, whole grain, etc.)  Cheddar cheese Iceberg lettuce Fresh tomatoes Dressing options (mustard, mayonnaise)     Other topping suggestions (avocado, cucumber, onion)  Try your best to find the freshest ingredients possible. I picked the tomatoes I used just minutes before making this bagel from our garden.  Comment below if you try out this bagel! 

What Is Grounding?

What Is Grounding?  Grounding, also known as earthing, is a technique that allows a person to better reconnect with the earth using electrical charges. It's said to improve your mood, decrease inflammation, chronic pain, and more. Here is all you need to know about grounding:  How To Ground:  Walk barefoot- walk on grass, sand, some even go hiking barefoot.  Lie on the ground- lie in the sand, on the grass, and feel your body connect to the earth.  Submerse in water- swim in the lake or in the ocean for a deep connection.  Use grounding equipment- use grounding equipment such as mats, sheets, blankets, socks, bands, and patches. Use with caution and safety, as it can produce an electrical shock if used improperly.  Outdoors- allow the palms of your hands, bottoms of your feet, or entire body to touch the earth. Walk in the grass, lay in the sand, or go for a swim.  Indoors- grounding yourself indoors typically takes equipment to do so. Use grounding socks or sheets when you sleep

Rainy Day Activities

Rainy Day Activities:  Image by HHS Media via Over the past few days, it has been on and off raining, which got me thinking about things I should do. I had to change my plans around a little according to the rain so I decided to list some ideas here:  Listen to music On rainy days I like to turn on my relaxing and sometimes, more sad playlists. They match the mood outside and calm the area around you. If you need suggestions, check out my blog post on a 'Good Vibes Music Playlist'. Listen to a good playlist while watching the storm by a big window.  Read Nothing is better than curling up on a rainy day with a good book. I am currently reading The Selection series and highly recommend it!  Have warm drinks I love to prepare a warm drink for sitting and watching the storms. This could be tea, hot chocolate, or coffee! It feels great to be warm while it's chilly outside.  Make a treat While you're stuck inside, you sh

Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe

Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe:  Try out this fresh-tasting, sweet, summer dessert! This is a quick and easy recipe that only takes minutes to prepare and the rest is done in the oven. Here is the recipe:  Yields approximately 10 servings.  Ingredients:      ~ 1/2 cup unsalted butter     ~ 1 cup all-purpose flour      ~ 2 cups sugar     ~ 1 tbsp. baking powder     ~ pinch of salt     ~ 1 cup milk     ~ 4 cups fresh peach slices     ~ 1 tbsp. lemon juice     ~ optional cinnamon or nutmeg Directions:  Melt butter and place in a 9 by 13-inch baking dish.  Combine flour, 1 cup sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add milk and stir until just combined. Pour this mixture over the butter and do not stir.  Bring the remaining cup of sugar, peaches, and lemon juice to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly. Pour over the batter (do not stir). Sprinkle cinnamon or nutmeg over, if desired.  Bake at 375 °F for 38-45 minutes until golden brown. Can serve warm or cold.  Try this dessert out with some van

Sweet Apple & Carrot Juice Recipe

Sweet Apple & Carrot Juice Recipe:  Another juice recipe for anyone who likes sweeter juices. This juice is fast, healthy, and tastes great!  Serves 1 glass of juice. Ingredients:      ~ 1 apple     ~ 2 carrots     ~ 1 tbsp. ginger Directions:      ~ Wash all ingredients very well, cut out the apple core and carrot ends.      ~ Throw them into the juicer and store in a container.      ~ Cool down in the fridge and enjoy!  Benefits     ~ Healthier nails, skin, and hair     ~ Larger portions of produce than you would normally eat     ~ Fast and easy nutrients     ~ A break for your digestive system     ~ Decrease in inflammation Comment below if you try out this recipe :) 

Green Juice Recipe

Green Juice Recipe:  Today I decided to try out a new recipe and my juicer! I hadn't used it in a long time so I made a couple new recipes, this green juice being one of them. Here is how to make it:  Serves 3 glasses of juice.  Ingredients:      ~ 2 cucumbers     ~ 6 kale stalks     ~ 1 apple Directions:     ~ Wash all vegetables thoroughly. I like to cut them a little smaller for easier juicing but don't cut off too much, I only cut off the cucumber ends and core of the apple.           ~ Put them through your juicer and add to a pitcher or storage container.      ~ I like to cool mine down in the fridge for a bit and then enjoy :)  Benefits      ~ Fast and easy absorption of nutrients     ~ Glowing skin     ~ A break for your digestive system      ~ Can consume more produce than you normally would     ~ Strong nails and hair  Comment below if you try out this juice recipe! 

Tips for Clearer Skin

Tips for Clearer Skin:  Having acne and scarring can put a damper on your self-esteem. I personally have dealt with acne for roughly 4 years now and have recently put in a lot of work on healthier changes for my skin. Here are some tips and tricks I've learned:       1. Drink water As previously discussed on this blog in 'Drinking Water 101', water has many incredible benefits, including repairing the skin. Drinking enough water each day can increase elasticity in the skin, faster repair it, clear acne, and tighten.      2. Change pillowcases Your pillowcases should be changed once every two weeks but, if you have acne or sensitive skin make it weekly.      3. Check your shampoo and conditioner Shampoo and conditioner are products that can enter the skin on your face or cause acne on your neck, back, shoulders, etc. Make sure to check that your products have low amounts of harmful chemicals and fragrances.      4. Rinse it all out Even with good shower products, make certai

New Hobbies to Try in Quarantine

New Hobbies to Try in Quarantine:  Finding things to do in the house during quarantine can be hard. If you're looking for something to keep you busy and interested at the same time, here is a list of new hobbies to try:      1. Skateboarding Trying skateboarding is a great idea! You can be outside and learn some new things along the way. For beginners, it might be best to stay closer to home or use a longboard.      2. Painting Being artistic right now is beneficial to both express yourself and learn more about the talents you have. Paint a sunset, draw a portrait of someone famous or, colour in an adult colouring book!      3. Baking Recently I have been loving this hobby. It's fun to experiment, make something delicious, and then see what your family thinks. For beginners, try making cookies, cakes, tarts, loaves, and feel free to customize recipes! Try this double chocolate zucchini bread recipe, uploaded yesterday.      4. Learn an Instrument Learning an instrument takes up

Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread

Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread:  Double chocolate zucchini bread is a healthier alternative recipe. It contains vegetables, greek yogurt, and only a 1/2 cup of sugar for the whole loaf! This loaf is soft, filled with chocolate, and is easy to make. Here is the recipe:  Ingredients 1 1/2 cups shredded zucchini 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder 3/4 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. instant coffee powder (or 1/4 tsp. espresso powder) 3/4 cup semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips 2 large eggs 1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract  Directions     1.  Adjust oven rack to the lower third position, preheat to 350°F. Use an 8.5" by 4.5" loaf pan, grease with non-stick spray or vegetable oil.      2.  Shred your zucchini and set aside for later. Shredding now will allow some of the moisture to leave.     3. In a large bowl, combine flour, cocoa powder, bak

Tidy Room, Tidy Mind

Tidy Room, Tidy Mind!  Keeping your room clean is important for your mental health. It makes your room a safe and organized place to lay your head at night. Here are 10 tips for cleaning your space:      1. Comfy clothes & music Cleaning your room can be pretty boring in silence. Put on some comfy clothes and a good playlist that won't distract you too much with dancing.      2. Wash sheets Your sheets should be cleaned a minimum of once every two weeks, so throw them in! I typically wash them in the beginning so I can have them finished by the end.      3. Put clothes up Now is the time to organize your clothes between dirty and clean. Put away the clean clothes and set aside the dirty ones for a minute.      4. Take out unknowns Take any items in your room that aren't yours, out of the room.      5. Remove trash Grab a trash bag and throw away anything you do not need cluttering your room.      6. Do laundry Now is the time to switch over your sheets and add the dirty lau